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Des produits

Nous sommes une entreprise nationale de haute technologie. À l'heure actuelle, il existe de nombreux types de tissus auto-tissés et traités en coopération, y compris les serviettes en microfibre tricotées en chaîne, les serviettes en tricot trame, la toison de corail, etc.

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Zhejiang Liuqing Textile Co., Ltd.

À propos de nous

We are a national high-tech enterprise. At present, there are a variety of fabrics that are self-woven and cooperatively processed, including microfiber warp-knitted towel cloth, weft-knitted towel cloth, coral fleece, etc.; the microfiber fabrics we professionally produce are woven with 100% microfiber, with super-strength Excellent water absorption and detergency, good breathability and antibacterial properties.
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What is Microfiber Hand Towel
A microfiber hand towel is a type of towel made from microfiber, a synthetic material that is known for its ability to absorb moisture and dry quickly. Microfiber hand towels are lightweight, compact, and highly absorbent, making them a popular choice for travel, sports, and other activities where a traditional towel may be too bulky or heavy. They are also often used in households, gyms, and other settings as a quick-drying alternative to traditional cotton towels.

Advantages of Kitchen Cleaning Towels
1. High Absorbency: Microfiber kitchen cleaning towels are highly absorbent, able to hold up to seven times their weight in liquid, making them great for cleaning up spills and messes.
2. Lint-Free: The fibers of microfiber towels are tightly woven and do not leave lint behind, making them a great choice for cleaning glass, mirrors, and other surfaces that are prone to scratching.
3. Fast Drying: Microfiber kitchen cleaning towels dry quickly and are resistant to bacteria and mildew, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and odors.
4. Streak-Free: Microfiber kitchen cleaning towels leave behind no streaks, making them a great choice for cleaning surfaces that need to be spotless, such as countertops and appliances.
5. Durable: Microfiber kitchen cleaning towels are durable and can withstand hundreds of washings without losing their effectiveness, making them a cost-effective cleaning option.
6. Chemical-Free Cleaning: Microfiber kitchen cleaning towels can be used with just water, making them a chemical-free cleaning option, which is better for the environment and health.